Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Medase Ocean Breeze

October 12, 2010
Day 25 – Medase Ocean Breeze

And just like that, today is my last day at Ocean Breeze. In fact, it’s also the last day for Jen and Esi. Jen will ride with us to the station in Cape Coast and catch a van up to Kumasi tomorrow. Esi will gather up her things and head out to school in Takoradi tomorrow. It will be the beginning of a new era for Kofi at Ocean Breeze. There will be no Esi and he has a new position to learn and live with OBey.

I hit the beach to catch one more vibe before leaving our beloved Brenu. It’s always bittersweet for me. I miss the family terribly but I will also miss this family here as well when I leave. I will be back in a few months, so NO PROBLEM. LOL!!

I walked the shore this time allowing for Yemoja to give me my final instructions. After I finished with my stretching and meditations, I headed back towards the beach resort. I saw Jen walking in my direction. As she came closer, I thought about her journey here. How we linked back up on Facebook after not hearing from or seeing each other for almost 25 years. I thought about how “Little Jen” has grown into such a dynamic woman with the potential to impact many people with her work. When we finally linked on the beach, she asked if I would rather be alone and I told her that I am on my way out. She asked, “So how do you feel when it’s time to go?” I told her what I told you all above. “I miss my Family, Jen. So, I am always excited. But I do miss this family and the OB vibes here when I leave.” I also added, “We got a lot accomplished during this trip, so I have that to walk with as well.” She smiled. I asked her, “How do YOU feel leaving?” She sighed and said, “I feel sad. I really got used to being at Ocean Breeze in my chalet. I didn’t realize how much I had started feeling like a part of the family. I am going to really miss everyone. Everyone was so nice and warm to me. It was so hard to do my last day of school today.” I gave her a hug and smiled at her. She got the Ocean Breeze experience. Another Happy ‘Customer’.

So, Esther decided to give us ONE last feast tonight. Esther knows she can ‘burn’. Kofi and I had to make a run to Elmina to meet with the Rootsman to get the medicine for the States. He is an intense man with a family vibe about him. He has agreed to supply us with whatever we need. He has been sending packages to Germany and the U.S. and is easy to contact. He works at the University Of Cape Coast and is Property Manager of the house in between Kohain and One Africa. So, he is easy to find. BLESSINGS!!!!

We returned to a feast. Otwidom was cutting up tonight because of Mommy doing so much cooking. He was tired and wanted the breast to put him out. Everyone was holding him, taking him for walks, singing to him, playing with him and nothing was KEEPING him chilled. I was on the computer, and finally had them give him to me. I walked him while telling Jen my secrets of dealing with ‘Marathon Cryers’. I told her that I have plenty of experience with these cases. I took him by the window where there was a breeze and the sound of Mommy Waters. I hummed to him and slowly he began falling out on my chest. Goodnight Moon, goodnight Stars, goodnight Ocean Breeze, goodnight beach, goodnight Mommy Waters, goodnight Otwidom, goodnight Family.

“I’m awake, I have worked, and I’ve been blessed. It’s Time to Take Me Home!”

Love Family.