September 24, 2010
Day 8- Nana is Back, AGAIN!Last night, I told Kofi that while we are looking for another village to build the OYC Youth Complex, we must continue negotiations with “The Powers that Be” here in Brenu. Today, Kofi brought out a printed copy of the site plan for the Youth Complex and asked if I needed the name and contact information on the back of the sheet. It was David Newbury, Director of Education for FSA Soccer Plus. This is the Soccer Club that we contacted 2 years ago about partnering up with our futbol (soccer) program at the Youth Complex. Professional Players, Referees, Coaches, and Trainers would come twice a year for futbol camp here in Brenu at the Youth Complex. The Soccer Club was IN after a few meetings and exchanges. Brenu? The same as it was years ago when Marriott came to build a resort on the beach; Brenu didn’t follow through with their part of the agreement. So, we are still looking for land after Brenu agreed to GIVE OBey 20 acres to start. Now, for us to go somewhere else and convince another village to GIVE us land, without them knowing our intentions and accomplishments firsthand, will be a very difficult task. As I spoke about the contact person on the back of the site plan, I reiterated to Kofi the need for us to approach Brenu community again about that land. I WANT THE YOUTH COMPLEX HERE IN BRENU. He agreed. Later in the day today, Esther came by with her son, Otwidom, on her way to Accra for the weekend. As we were speaking, she told me some VERY good news, I hope. They have returned Nana Brempong to the stool in Brenu. Brenu has been operating without the Chief for about a year now. They said that he was unfit and too old to manage the affairs of Brenu and that they were going to replace him. They being the Elders of the community and the Regional House of Chiefs. Oh yes, The House of Chiefs can come into your village and shut your palace down and take your power from you. They can never take your family rights from you, but they can shut your business affairs down if you, as a Chief, prove to be incompetent. It’s not that I liked what they did to Nana, but I agree that we need some young energy on the stool handling the business affairs of Brenu. Nana is an Elder and forgets a lot. He doesn’t have young competent individuals around him, so progress is very slow here. That point right there is also a blessing. Since there is slow progress, we have access to miles of one of the most beautiful beaches in Ghana without all of the traffic from visitors and local travelers. It is like having a hidden paradise all to ourselves. But the slow progress goes beyond the beach area to the village and schools. THAT can’t be when you have people and organizations that want to help. Nana was the one that approved my land deal here for Ocean Breeze and was the one that signed off on the OYC Youth Complex land. He loves OBey and we have a great relationship, but I wonder if he has enough in ‘the tank’ to convince the community to release the land to us NOW.
Esther looked at the site plan and remembered all of the components. She just busted out with, “Kojo you need to go and tell them again about this plan!! It is a GOOD plan and we need this here! You need to do it in Fante though, because I don’t think it is really settling into their heads when you are telling them in English.” I agreed. So she went on to say that she wants to be the one to speak to them in Fante and convince them. I looked at her energy at that time as she was telling me this and I had to agree. “You have the job Sis. Let’s DO THIS!” She also suggested that we get with the community and the youth and let them know about this plan so that they can buy into it and stay on top of the Chief and the Elders to make this happen. I loved that idea. We will meet with Nana first and then call a community meeting to discuss this plan and get everyone to buy into it. I am pumped and encouraged. I thought about this later as I was plotting on my approach to Nana about our request. A blanket of déjà vu came over me. WOW…We did this very same thing about 3 years ago. The difference would be that we are ONLY going to focus on the Youth Complex and the land for it to be built on. Nothing like some good old ‘doubt’ to go to bed with, huh? LOL! In any case, a community without their Leader is an unstable community. When the news came out that Nana has returned, there is a certain feeling of stability that conjures up in your being while living in the village.
I had a meeting today with Julius, one of our OYC after school Teachers. He is one of the middle school Teachers in the community. Julius has been around since the beginning of OYC and our sponsorship program. He is liked by students and Teachers and is very much so on top of his game. Today we are meeting about expanding OYC to his village, Ankwanda. Ankwanda is the next village from Brenu as you travel east. By the end of the meeting we were shaking hands as I just hired him as the OYC Project Director for Ankwanda. He has a lot of good ideas and is very enthusiastic to get started. He and Kofi decided that they will meet at Ankwanda today to begin the talks with the Guardians of the orphans and needy youth. Also to start the intake process, by registering the youth that qualify for OYC services. We will actually, do this at 4 of the surrounding villages before I leave back to the States. I have always traveled to places and did this kind of work here, but I told Kofi that I won’t be doing this part of it anymore. He will be responsible for these duties. When the meeting comes with the Chief and Elders, then I will be there. (Please excuse my Ghana English that likes to present itself from time to time. They use the word “come” so much here, that I find myself ‘coming’ out with it often as well. LOL!! )
So anyway, our expansion plan has begun and we are on our way to increasing our load from benefitting about 200 youth to benefitting approximately 3,500 children and adults in the 4 surrounding villages. Yes Family, OBey is STEPPING IT UP. So, “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”
One of the favorite things for the family here to do as we approach bedtime is to watch videos on my computer or view photos. I had the full SOA show at Brookside Elementary and the video of The Bey girls and Rajuma on the computer. Wow, as I watched the children, I felt compelled to send out a ‘Shout Out’ to my youth today.
Peace Children! Daddy misses you all so much and loves you so much. I want you all to know that I NEVER want to miss ANYTHING that each of you are doing in your lives, like school, dance, sports, and home life. But like any other Father, there are times when we are away at work or traveling and we have to miss some of those things. When I am in Africa, I want you to know that I am not only learning about how to truly LIVE in Africa, but I am building structures in a paradise setting so that you all will KNOW the Beauty of Africa as youth. Daddy is working hard on helping needy children here to go to school, eat healthy, get proper health care, drink and bathe in clean water, dress in clean and suitable clothing; and in some cases rescue them from slavery and help them to get back home healthier than they were before. There are no other organizations in our area doing community development (helping children and families out) the way that OBey is doing it. Which means that I don’t have a ‘roadmap’ to follow. I have to trust in The Creator, my Elders, Family, and Friends to know how to do what it is that I am doing here. I am also training our staff everyday to operate our healing house, Ocean Breeze. They are your Brothers and Sister. I have adopted them as my very own and they want nothing more than to see you all face to face to be able to love you in person. I talk about each and every one of you in the Bey 9 Crew. I talk about funny stories with each of you, your gifts and talents, and some of the struggles that we go through. The people here know that OBey is a ‘family thing’ and there is no Kojo Bey without Niaimani, Nile, Khalfani, Rajuma, Kumani, Kayah, Oshanla, Makeda, and Shola. I walk with you all ALWAYS everywhere that I go. When I am hugging, speaking to, or caring for a child here, it is also YOU that I love at the same time. I am able to love these children here the way that I do because of the love that I have and will ALWAYS have for you. One day you all will tell my story and I want you to know that it is NEVER easy to miss out on what you all are doing each day, but I promise you that your Father is doing work that one day you will be very proud to speak about. I LOVE YOU ALL!
Please family, keep my ‘Shout Out’ in your hearts so that you can reaffirm this with my youth whenever the opportunity presents itself for you. Thank you.I’m encouraged to work out tonight. Pull-ups, push-ups and spirit dancing. Gotta get ready for my walk on the beach tomorrow. LOL! No, really! It’s work for me, because Yemoja is not easy on me. I walk and walk and walk and she never stops talking to me. I don’t walk the beach regularly because of that. So tomorrow will be my first walk on the beach since I arrived. One has to be ready for what is being revealed through the elements. I have committed myself to healing so I have no options but to be obedient when they speak to me. So, “I’m Coming, Mommy Waters! I need to drop off some ‘ish’ in the pot down there so that I can properly receive all that you have for me.”
“I’m awake, I have worked, and I’ve been blessed. It’s Time to Take Me Home!”
Love Family.