October 9, 2010
Day 22 – Our Investments
Back in 1997, I remember meeting Brother Shabazz and Amikai here in Ghana. They are both from the States and lived together in Pedu (part of Cape Coast). Shabazz was selling vegetarian plates on his scooter and had been in Ghana about 3 years by then. Amikai had been there about the same and he was a taxi Driver and musician. We really appreciated Shabazz’s food for the variety, but it started to get expensive ordering plates from him. I can recall asking them if they are still making money in the States and they told me that people send money here and there, but for the most part they were working for cedis then. I looked at how hard the living was in Ghana back then if one was not middle class or wealthy. It was back then that I decided that until I had a strong financial plan, that I would not be relying on the cedi to exist in Ghana. It is still my philosophy today. Whenever I am coming to the end of my time here in Ghana, my money gets low and I start counting my cedis very closely. I get this feeling over me like what if I don’t have any more dollars to pull from in order to make it through. It’s an anxiety that leads me to thinking I have NO WAY of making any money here if my money runs out. This Farm, Ocean Breeze and a small thing or two HAS TO WORK! I can’t allow my “U.S. Financial Boogieman” to enter my Ghana world. If THAT happens, then I won’t even be able to SEE the SEA (Ocean) as I SEE it today.
Today, I worked for hours on Kofi’s personal budget in Excel. He had a hard time with the concept of ‘averages’. He overstands how to get averages and what it is, but the concept that this number that we are entering in as his monthly budget had him twisted. He kept saying, “It’s not always that I spend this much in a month.” I would bring him back to the school example that I used, “Did the student get an ‘A’ EVERY term?” Until finally, I just had to threaten him when I thought he was going to say it…”If you say that it’s not always…ONE MORE TIME!” You know Esi was loving those moments. Anyway, we finally made it through and I am fully aware that he is not being paid enough for what he is doing; and the expenses that he has taken on should not be incurred by him. He is borrowing money from people on a regular. I pulled out what should be OBey’s and OYC’s expenses and then told him that I was going to make a recommendation to the Board to give him an increase in his salary. He was pleased initially, but also added “Thank you, but you know what I want you to do? I want you to give me THIS number for 3 months, UP FRONT.” I said, “Yeah Kofi, plenty people would like to get 3 months advance on their salaries, but it doesn’t work like that Son. So, even though we have been taking care of you all of these years, you have a decent salary now. You have to go to other sources to help you to get ahead financially; unless I come to you with a profit making idea.” He overstood. But it was more bitter herbs of reality. Dad gave him a potential raise and bitter herbs, together. I love the Family Business.
We heard from the New Brenu Chief that the Surveyor that we have been waiting on has returned to Elmina. We called our Surveyor and they will meet on Monday to finalize our indentures for the Ocean Breeze property and the addition that we added to it. THANK YOU. Please let them ACTUALLY DO THIS. It’s been too long now that these indentures have been incomplete. All they need are like 4 signatures in order to file with Lands Department. The new Chief won’t sign nor have his people sign until he has his Surveyor look over the papers to make sure everything is on the level. I can dig it when you are new, but Damn, almost a year of this?! So, put the prayers out for that Family.
Then Kofi and I laid out the plans to grade the OB property so that we can begin the landscaping of the land. Coconut trees, palm trees, Pineapple farm and grass. We need to meet with a bulldozer Operator nearby to negotiate the fee. Once THAT is done, then we will be able to beautify the property. The pineapple farm has inspired us to talk about the 20 acres of land that looks very promising this trip. We decided to go up there and take a look and to flash some photos. I was still concerned about how we are going to relocate all of those farmers that I saw up there last year. When we started in the bush to walk the 20 acres I was OVERJOYED to see that there were NO FARMS there. WHAT?! I learned that all of that land is community land and until there is a major project designated for it, the community just does some farming here and there. So the land is not a ‘conflict land’ at all. YES!!! First thing we are going to do here is to grade and FARM IT. We are in a farming village. Let’s FARM!
In fact, I had one of our Caregivers come up to OB land today to talk to us about the Pineapple Farm on the Ocean Breeze land. He has a 3 acre Pineapple Farm and knows the ins and outs of raising Sugar Loaf Pineapples. He said he only has 3 acres because he is old now, but he used to work a much larger farm. As we discussed the estimate that his Daughter, Stella, brought up to me the other day, I questioned the price for the Pineapple suckers (starter plants). I asked him if it would be possible to solicit the Caregivers and community to donate suckers to OBey and let us see how much we can raise before we go out and purchase any. He agreed and we decided to bring that up at tomorrow’s meeting. Our goal is to plant 4,000 Pineapple suckers on the OB land and if all goes well tomorrow, we can potentially get that project going this week before I leave. Next year this time, we will have our own Pineapples.
Back to the Youth Complex land (20 acres). Kofi and I found a ladder and put Kofi up on the roof of the school to get a good photo of the land. The roof was not high enough to get the proper perspective. So we went back up our hill and went to a clearing to take it from there. I was surprised to see that Brenu has sold a lot more plots up on the hill near us. There are people using our road on a regular now with their building projects and Surveyors. They have nice views like ours too. Well as far as I can see, NO ONE has the amount of beachfront land that we currently have though. I am working hard to finish the indentures on our current land so that we can purchase the plots right next to OB. If I am successful in getting that, then there will be about 1 acre or 4 plots that will be available for the family to build on. So again family, put the prayers out and think about whether you are serious about your plot or not.
Mercy and Stella came up while Kofi and I were in our budget meeting. I didn’t know they were here until the water truck came. They are so beautiful. I am so touched by Mercy and this baby though. She is already living a hard life and I wonder if she will indeed be able to make it back to school AND take care of a new baby. Technically, she should not be an OYC youth anymore, but we’ll see. These are my youth.
So the water is running out today. We had to call the water guy to come back. He already tried the other day, but because the ground was soft from the rain, he couldn’t make it up our hill. It was the funniest thing watching these boys climb up on our water tank and fill our tank up with water from this hose that was giving off pressure like the Fireman’s hoses. At one point the hose got away from them and it DRENCHED them and flew out of their hands and onto the ground. YES, I am paying for all of that wasted water. Anyway, it all worked out and we are definitely putting together plans to get connected to the pipe water coming into the village from the main line. It will save us a bundle of money.
Jenny Trotro left out of here on the back of Kofi’s moto; headed to the junction to catch a Trotro to Busua Beach Resort. This was her first time on his bike and it was giving him some problems. It was so funny watching her with her nervous smile and Kofi’s taped up Moto stalling on the way down the muddy driveway. TEARS were POURING down my face!!! LOL!! Unfortunately, I took the photo with her camera, so you all will have to wait until she returns to see the photo. She is staying there for a day or two.
I talked to Esi today about when she will be ready to go to school. She told me maybe next week. I asked her, “What about Monday?!” She just looked at me like a deer in headlights and said, “Ok.” She was clearly stunned. I am sending her out to buy her supplies tomorrow so that she can go to school the latest by Tuesday. If you notice by my different deadlines, I am trying to wrap everything up this week because I head to Accra on Wednesday and catch my flight on Thursday morning. My time is a snap away from being done. I am usually a bit disappointed with how much I DIDN’T accomplish during my month long journeys here. But after I jotted down all that had been done up to that point in that journal entry last week, I am convinced that we got a lot accomplished this time. I am not satisfied, but I am NOT disappointed either. I hope that makes sense to you.
No beach today, but I will try to get there tomorrow. I MUST BE working to not be on the beach everyday! There had better be some accomplishments around here for me to be sacrificing THAT time with Mommy Waters like this! LOL!!!
“I’m awake, I have worked, and I’ve been blessed. It’s Time to Take Me Home!”
Love Family.