Tuesday, October 12, 2010


October 11, 2010
Day 25 – Self-Transcendence

You ever step out of your current ‘self consciousness’ and do things that you said you wouldn’t, couldn’t, or shouldn’t do? Like you have always believed that when it rains that it’s a bad day and therefore your mood is down; but you decide one day that rain is actually a good thing for life processes so therefore your mood is up. Could one say that by approaching life with a positive outlook one could actually create positive thought and behavior patterns within one’s self. I mean like mirroring the Universe. The Universe is always expanding beyond its own existence. Self-transcendence. Continuously moving beyond what one believed was the totality of oneself and never becoming content with one’s existence. I learned this concept a long time ago, but after listening to a lecture by a Cosmologist this year, I became ONE with the idea. The Most High has always channeled extraordinary visions through me. They are so real that I become one with the vision. To the point where at times I move past it even before manifesting because I felt that I have already accomplished and experienced the Divine vision. It’s truly more than dreaming some vivid dream. I LIVE these visions.

Today, I sent Esi, Sis. Paulina and Kofi to Cape to pick up the list of supplies for school. I also gave her the money for her fees. They left out of here HIGH as a kite. We are very happy for Esi and she more than earned this opportunity. Jen asked Esther if she could assist her in putting together a going away feast for Esi tonight. Nice Jen…We had a blast. Between the food, DJ Kofi, Esi’s permanent smile, and Sis. Esther falling asleep at the table, and of course the host cutting up all night, we had BIG FUN.

I also made it to Yemoja once again today. I wanted to just be open to the elements for whatever they had for me. I can feel for the farm vision what I felt from Ocean Breeze after channeling that vision. This farm thing is haunting me now. I have always loved the concept of growing your own food. When I was very young, I thought it required a God given talent to be able to grow your own food. I can remember the different gardens in Mount Vernon that I would come across and thinking at 5 and 6 years of age, how does that food just pop out of the ground. Anyone that had a garden in their yard seemed like an extraordinary person to me. I mean Mount Vernon had a lot of homes that owned gardens back then. Fruit trees and plenty of gardens. Tall and lush collard greens, tomatoes, lettuce, GRAPES, apples, pears. We ate apples from an apple tree in the backyard, which was on family land, but next door. But the tree was right up against the fence so we climbed it all the time. I loved the concept that we could just climb or throw a rock up and collect apples to eat from the TREE. When I traveled to the south in NC to visit family, I was introduced to an entirely different level of ‘pop up foods.’ THE FARM. WHOAH. Rows and rows of corn, pecan trees, string beans, collard greens, pigs, chickens, roosters. It was then when I got hands on appreciation for how those ‘pop up foods’ came to be.

That fascination grew into the desire to want to grow my own food one day. As I moved through college and began studying about nation building, the farm concept was a major component of the mission. “Stop relying on these scientist and corporations to feed you. Get land and grow your own food. Stop eating what others tell you to eat. Eat to live! Get land and grow your own food!” That was the rhetoric that we were subscribing to back then. I even came up with a proposal to bring FRESH vegetables and fruits to the desert. The concept was simple. I had lived with the concept when I small in Mount Vernon. Load up a produce truck with all types of vegetables and fruits and drive around different communities selling your inventory. My community at the time was Las Vegas. Fresh foods to the desert. I had my family in stitches thinking about me driving around in some truck, selling produce. I talked about that so much that to this day, I sometimes believe that I actually manifested that venture. I didn’t, but I should’ve…LOL!

But the vision never left me. Once I moved back to Connecticut, I saw my old home in New Milford in a totally different light. My family established LAND; and FERTILE land. All of this was at one time FARM LAND. Hmmmmmm. Let’s grow some food. That’s when I started working on gardening. Collards, corn, eggplant, lettuce, tomatoes, herbs, peppers, hot peppers, squash, and whatever else I could get my hands on. At first I tried to plant everything in a small area, together. I didn’t know. I was learning as I went along. I would spend hours learning about the ‘pop up foods’ and then put designated hours into learning how to put these goat skins on wood. I worked on the garden each year in New Milford. I started to remember how Uncle J would bring down some BIG vegetables that he grew in his garden, Upstate. Oh my goodness, how could I have forgotten?! I started running Upstate to my new Gardening Consultant. Uncle J was not just my Gardening Consultant but he was also one that believed in ‘Self-transcendence.’ He was a BIG TIME Dreamer. I loved listening to his ideas and dreams, because I could see them. No, literally, you could see remnants of his dreams all around his 5 acre property. LOL!!! I loved Uncle J for being a Dreamer who would go beyond the dream and actually work to manifest it. I will never forget when Uncle J requested MY CONSULTATION about some of my gardening techniques. I was so flattered and knew that I was on to something. I was also very encouraged by Uncle J to manifest Ocean Breeze. Whenever we spoke, he would ask me ALWAYS, “How’s that project going in Africa?” Even when I knew I had no clue as to how I was going to start the building of Ocean Breeze, I would tell him my plans. He would patiently listen to me as if it were the first time that he heard the plans. It wasn’t until the year before Uncle J passed at a surprise party for Aunt Rene that I gave Uncle J some news. By this time he was declining in his health and mental capacity, but was tearing into those King Crab Legs. I went over and spoke softly into his ear, “Uncle J, we put up the first structure on the land in Africa!” He looked up and pulled my head close to his, smiled and then went back to eating his King Crab. It was indeed a touching moment for me and I do believe that it was for him as well.

So, here we are now family. We have Ocean Breeze with 3 chalets up; a pineapple farm on its way on the healing compound; 20 acres nearby, designated for our Youth Complex, which will be farmed on for the first phase of the plan; and plans to secure 50 acres of land to cultivate a mango farm on a commercial level. It seems as though there have been some wonderful seeds planted upon me throughout my years. From counseling from my bedroom in the desert of Las Vegas to counseling at Ocean Breeze, overlooking the ocean. From that first crowded garden in New Milford to the Sugar Loaf pineapple garden at Ocean Breeze. From the produce truck idea in the desert to the mango farm and processing plant business plan. Either my dreams have just grown up with my years on this earth or the Most High is moving me into yet another level of consciousness and existence. Whichever the case may be, I know that Uncle J is looking upon me waiting for the chance to let out one of his infamous pot belly throat laughs…Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

“I’m awake, I have worked, and I’ve been blessed. It’s Time to Take Me Home!”

Peace Family.